Saratoga Comic Con | November 17th & 18th

While I have slowly faded away from the culture surrounding comic-cons, i still make sure my schedule is cleared to attend a choice few. I have gained some of my greatest friends, and met new fans at every show that I have attended since being involved in the first Saratoga Comic-Con show (at the time called ChaseCon.)

With that being said, I'm going to avoid my typical "Top-Reasons-To-Go-To Comic-Con" post to honestly say, I love going to this show. It is one of the most social comic-con/pop-culture shows that I have ever attending. Everyone is super kind and welcoming. While it's typical for people wishing the pop nerd-culture genre to be extroverted, Saratoga Comic-Con makes it super easy to be a part of the community and have the best time ever at this show.

I'll be hanging out the whole weekend with my friends from The Brotherhood of Evil Geeks. You can always find us up, right at the top of the escalator. I'll also be pumping some music while we are there. Come say hi! The show floor is constantly filled with the best vendors, cosplay, guest stars, world renowned comic artists & writers, and the occasional furry. It's an energetic, fun filled 2-days and truthfully, you should go.

On top of it all, I (DJ TOM) am hosting the afterparty. There's catered food, drinks, and I promise, some of the best music to be played in Saratoga Springs, NY on Saturday night!
This is not a paid promotional post. It's not an ad. It's simply me wanting you to come hang out with me this weekend at Saratoga Comic-Con. I'll be vlogging and live-streaming all weekend and I hope to see you there. Love you all!
Here's a link to buy tickets: